In the first part of this article, we discussed some of the recent trends in mobile marketing, and why it’s moving past its initial buzzword-filled marketing niche into a full blown area of focus. In this article, we’ll examine three common mistakes that are made with mobile marketing in 2014.
Remember, this list is not conclusive: If you don’t already have a dedicated expert on mobile marketing working with your team, you need one.
Some (but not all) of the Mistakes in Mobile Marketing:
- Creating from a limited perspective. This one’s a lot more common than you may realize, even with responsive design. The mistake is simply one of creating your content, viewing it on a desktop, and then resizing your browser window to ensure that it lines up properly with your supposed specs for popular mobile resolutions. It seems quick, and maybe even too easy, and that’s probably because it is. The only way to ensure that your content looks “right” on a mobile device is to view it on a mobile device. Anything else is guesswork, and the last thing you want to do is launch a site based on a guess.
- Not optimizing your mobile results for local SEO. Understand that one of the main motivators in using a mobile device is to find out information while you are not at home to use a computer. Whether it’s to locate the nearest Italian eatery, or to get a good list of reviews on dog groomers around the city, mobile internet results should be thought of as being closer to local than national results. If your local SEO isn’t optimized to be attractive to mobile content, and vice versa, then you are hamstringing yourself on what is potentially the most lucrative market for your client. With recent changes in Google’s Pigeon update, you need as much power as you can get on the local side of search results.
- Resting on your laurels. Now that you have a responsive design on your website, or you’ve launched a mobile app, you may be tempted to sit back and wait for the traffic to roll in. Don’t do this. Mobile markets are also incredibly fast moving markets, with new competitors and new technology changing the landscape on a consistent basis. You can’t rely on a mobile design that you’ve been using for even a year without taking a closer look at it to see how recent innovations could play a role in your users’ experiences. This is also, and perhaps even more, true for mobile applications. Updates, bug fixes, and new features need to be on your priority list.